The money sucks everywhere. I don't do this for the $. Or lack thereof.
I write for me.
Although, I'd like to make more money, I admit.
The new algorithm can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned. Pays on claps, highlights, and views, my ass. It's a way to diminish the earnings of good but not "acceptable writers on this platform. Our content is not in line with what they (the admins) want.
But readers want stuff they can't see anywhere else. If you take down the originality of certain genres (or writers), The Medium will provide bland content.
It could be for all you know. Why visit or PAY for that schlock?! I don't want to read generic drivel and neither do you. I want outlandish, fun, unique content.
Like your weird sexy stories.
Stuff I can't find anywhere else.
Or else the world will dissolve into mediocrity. And The Medium will provide stupid meaningless articles rehashed over and over again.
I'm a born rebel. I hate playing by the rules. I won't roll over and play dead. Will you?